Sunday, January 11, 2009

The 1st\The B-Word

So, I guess this is what blogging feels like. It's kind of like when you were in school and a paper, that you've known about for weeks, is due in the morning and your typing the uncorrected first draft now (At midnight) and that's what your going to turn in because you are going to fall asleep about half-way through and turn in a incredibly short two paragraph summarization of the Vietnam War.

Well, I guess this is it, Off I go into the world of blogging.

By the way I hate that word and from now on will only refer to it as the B-word.


  1. Welcome to the Thunderdome. Thats what I like to call it.

  2. So you gave in to the fad. I' m surprised you are usually such an individual.

  3. Glad you are in the click now! Can't wait to read what goes on in that head of yours:)
