1. We received the $XXX reward money from the points that I turned in -so we have $XXX more than we expected.
2. MacGrubber was funny but gross
3. Can you go pay the truck payment today?
4. I mean really gross sex scene with your girl (Kristen Wiig) and then a very long sex scene with his dead ex-girlfriend (Mya Rudolph)
5.I have a funeral viewing to go to today after work
6. kinda of stretching it a bit with that " The best SNL movie since Waynes world slogan"
7. Mario wants us to go to the Oak tonight - would you like to go?
8. Better than Wayne's World - no swwwwaaaaay
9. He make's life saving inventions out of household materials
10. In an attempt to sneak in some Reese's Pieces, Jerame put them in his pants near his crotch. His crotch looked like Rod Stewart's crotch - and that was the highlight of the entire evening.
Hope that you like my list.
And take it very seriously ( at least numbers 1, 3, 5, 7, and especially number 10)