Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Master of Disguise

Why are "under cover" police vehicles always a brand
new car? Like I don't know that a brand new Dodge
Charger with tinted windows and no rims that is sitting
on the side of the road facing traffic with it's window
down and a radar gun pointed at me is not a cop.
Just a thought, wouldn't it be a little more believable
if they used a 1987 Chevrolet Celebrity or a Ford
Fiesta, yeah just retro fit a 12 cyl. engine into a
Fiesta - that won't be dangerous at all.

But seriously, how pissed would you be if you were
pulled over by that grandma that you just sped past
because she was doing 15 under the speed limit,
Oh wait - that's a cop - busted!


  1. I can only read two lines. Is it my computer?

  2. It was giving me problems when I typed it, it wouldn't word wrap, I think that it's fixed now.

  3. And no, I'm not pissed, I just think that it's funny.

  4. I got pulled over by a 96 escort before in LP
